Life Insurance Agent Bonus Prediction

The company wants to predict the bonus for its agents so that it may design appropriate engagement activity for their high performing agents and upskill programs for low performing agents.

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Credit Risk Default Model

The project involved developing a credit risk default model on Indian companies using the performance data of several companies to predict whether a company is going to default on upcoming loan payments.

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Customer's Satisfaction Analysis-Sentiment Analysis

The main objective of this study is to find the relation between the customer satisfaction towards the products in online platforms. The sentiment analysis helps to find the polarity of the reviews and the best ML algorithm for the classification of polarity is evaluated based on the accuracy measures.

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PGPDSBA Mini Projects

I have upskilled myself in python, Datascience, ML, Statistics, MySQL and Tableau through this Executive Program From The University of Texas at Austin.

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User mode CPU time Prediction

The Computer-activ Project using Regression Models which aims to predict the percentage time the computer remains in user mode.

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Election Exit Poll Prediction

The Objective is to built a Classification Model to predict the Election Poll results for winning party.

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Contraceptive Method Prediction

The Main objective for this Project using Classification techniques to classify how many women use or not use contraceptive.

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